Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Thursday, August 02, 2007

How to Recover from a Break Up!

By Debra Berndt, CHt, the Official Guide To Dating

Jul 12, 2007

Most people that arrive at my office for relationship issues have recently gone through a painful breakup. They want to know how to cope with a breakup with their boyfriend, spouse or even just their latest fling. They experience bad breakup depression and wonder if there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Currently, the marriage breakup statistics are around 67% so there is an epidemic of relationship problems. Even though breakups can be hard, I hope I can give some advice on how to deal with a breakup that will bring you more peace.The pain you feel when you experience heartache is an old feeling. The painful emotions are not about the other person. What? You say? How could that be? The core foundation of that pain was something you originally felt a long time ago (probably as a child). Humans project their pain onto outer situations and make the experience the cause of the pain. The breakup was only a mirror to a deeper hurt you had felt before in life.

If you feel that you are constantly getting your heart broken by men or women, there could be a pattern in your subconscious that is creating the attraction and the demise of the relationship. The other party has their subconscious baggage as well, and they could have rejected you because of their unhealed issues. Deep feelings of unworthiness or unlovableness, tends to attract people and situations that mirror those beliefs. The only way to change your dating destiny is to change your subconscious programming to feeling more lovable and worthy.

You could say affirmations until you are blue in the face, but they will not penetrate your subconscious. Your inner critic kicks out and rejects new ideas. The easiest way to allow these new beliefs to "sink in" is through self-hypnosis. The relaxed state quiets the critical mind and the subconscious is able to absorb the "good stuff." After 30-60 days, your mind-chatter will change and you will sending out a different attraction vibration to potential mates. Men will seem to come out of everywhere wanting to treat you right.

You have the power inside of you to attract the love you deserve. It doesn’t matter what size you are, your education or your social status, you are unlimited to create the life you want by using the power of your mind. My self-hypnosis programs designed specifically for relationships are an easy and simple way to change your inner mind and transform your outer reality.


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