Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Don't Wait For Perfection!

by Caroline Jalango

Hello Unstoppable Woman,

Are you waiting for perfection?

Perfection is an illusion. If you have to wait for the perfect time to begin working on your goals…you will wait a long time!

• What is your heart aching to do?
• What is the pending dream/goal you yearn to fulfill?
• Who is the man/woman you want to become?

What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting to begin your pursuit of these wonderful things tomorrow? Next week? Next year? Are you waiting for certain events to occur before you can move forward with confidence?
If you are…wait no more because perfection is an illusion. It is completion that matters and ultimately brings satisfaction.

Think about it for a moment…

Your feelings of fear and vulnerability may never go away...
You may never have all the money, time, or knowledge you desire to begin working on your goals…
The person whose approval you need may not give it to you...
Your critics and naysayer’s will always be around to say what they have to say...
You may never get to meet the person who has the power to “open doors” for you…
You may never get to work in the right environment or with the right people…
You may get passed over for the promotion you were counting on…
The struggle to achieve what you want may not cease as quickly as you want...
Many questions about what you want may remain unanswered...
And even if you wanted, you may not have all your ducks lined up in a row!

All you may have is a burning desire to achieve a worthwhile dream or goal and a huge, "I can’t do this right now because I am waiting for perfection” sticker over it!

Consider this for a moment...
If you were to wait for perfection, what would happen to your dreams and goals? What would happen to your life? What would happen to the changes you seek and the progress you want to make? What would happen to your relationships? What would happen to your health?

The conditions to act on your dreams might not be as perfect as you desire…but that shouldn’t stop you from taking risks, learning, improving, growing, and working to achieve your target…even if it means one step at a time!

This is the perfect moment you have been waiting for! You are alive, excited, searching and desiring to make immediate changes in your life and you can!

To fulfill your dream, start somewhere and start today!
Write that book, start that business, accept that job offer, change your career, go back to school, join that social network, make that important phone call, start exercising, take that vacation, pay up that debt, make someone else’s life something.

Don’t wait for perfection. Seek Completion.


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