How to Unlock an Endless Supply of Motivation
by Jason M. Gracia
It can stand in the way of everything you have ever wantedto have, do, and be. And yet, it can also be your greatestally - if you know how to use it.Would you try to keep something cool inside your oven? Hotinside your freezer? Of course not. But this is exactlywhat people do with their minds and bodies.
They work against their natural tendencies and struggle to change their lives for the better. They prepare a fantasticmeal and try to bake it in the freezer.And once again they fail to get what they really want.It's time to stop fighting against your natural tendenciesand embrace them. Today you'll learn a new and excitingtechnique that will motivate you to live life at a wholenew level by working with, and not against, your instincts.
The Only Two Motivators in Life
People are motivated by only two factors - pleasure andpain. Everything we do results from our perception that itwill provide us with pleasure or help us to avoid pain. Andwe will do a great deal more to satisfy the latter.This is a fact that you can use to your advantage. Once youlearn how to harness the power that the fear of pain offersall human beings, you will take complete control of yourlife. You will be motivated like never before to implementyour plans for a better future.An example will help to get you started...
Alisha wanted to write children's books. Along with thisgoal came two sets of fears.To begin, she feared failure. Writing children's books wassomething she had wanted to do ever since she was young,but the images of her friends and family laughing at herstories stood in her way.What if she wasn't any good? What if no one liked what shewrote? What if this was just a silly dream that would bebetter off forgotten?This grouping of fear became a powerful obstacle betweenAlisha and her goal. It scared her away from taking action.But this was only the first set of fears. The second typeis where the key to successful change and motivation is found.
While tossing around her thoughts about writing children'sbooks, Alisha also thought about what her life would belike should she let go of her dream.What would she think of herself ten years from now knowingthat she let her negative fears take control of her future?How would she feel knowing she never gave it a shot, nevertook the risk and followed her dream?These were the fears that motivated her to action. You see, while the first set of fears stood in her way,they did not completely block the path to success. The fearof regret and loss drove Alisha toward her goal, but in the end there is only one question to ask:
Which set of fears was stronger?
This War is Occurring Inside You Right Now
You can think of Alisha's situation as a war of sorts. Onone side is the fear of failure and rejection. These fearstell her to stop and drop the goal.The opposing and empowering side holds the fears of regretand loss. These tell her to go for it all and take a chanceat success and happiness.Whichever side is stronger results in action - either towalk away or go for it.
Here's the great news: you control the balance.
You can weaken the negative fears and enhance the positivefears. You can completely manipulate the strength of eachside until you are motivated to act on your goals.
This is exactly what I had Alisha do. She spent a few hourswith each set of fears, either weakening or strengtheningthem. The fears that held her back were analyzed for thetruth and diminished as she realized her friends and familywould never reject her.The second set of fears was intensified as she picturedherself in the future, depressed about her decision toforget her dream. She was miserable and alone. It was animage Alisha never wanted to experience.In the end, the fear of regret and loss won the battle.Alisha acted on her goal and never looked back. It was agreat success for her, but without the right tools mostpeople never win the game. The fear of failure andrejection wins nearly every time.Follow the instructions below to ensure your goals and dreams never fall into this unfortunate category.
Fear: It's Time to Take Advantage
As you already know from the story above, you have two waysto go with fear. You can weaken the negative ones orstrengthen the empowering ones. Today we are going to focuson adding strength to your positive fears.Take in mind a goal that you wish to achieve. Be specificabout what you want and why you want it.Once you have your chosen goal in mind, it's time to createsome fear. I want you to imagine that you lived the rest ofyour life never having achieved your goal.The years just passed by and the fear of failure kept youfrom what you wanted. And although it ate you up inside,you never did anything about it. You never realized yourpotential or what you were capable of.Create as horrible a picture as you can about this possiblefuture. The more depressing the scenario, the better. Thinkabout how you'll feel about yourself, how others will feelabout you, and how much it will hurt to know that you'llnever do the things you wanted to do.And most effective of all, you never became the person youalways knew you could be.
Using the Facts to Your Benefit
You now have fear working for you. The fear of failure maybe strong, but if you do your job and follow the directionsabove, the fear of regret will win in the end.Always remember, human beings will do most anything toavoid an intensely painful situation. By using this to youradvantage you will be motivated to achieve your goal andavoid the pain of regret.What we have covered today is a single step in the largerprogram of our motivation handbook, The Motivated Mind. Ineach newsletter, additional steps and methods of the systemare shared, but due to its size, the entire program can'tpossibly be delivered to you.If you would like to discover the entire system from startto finish as well as the six secrets to quickly triggeringand maintaining your motivation, I invite you to stop by the address below to learn more about The Motivated Mind.You'll realize that the life you've always wanted to live can actually be achieved when a handful of simple steps areput in action.
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