Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Book Review: It's All in Your Head

Comment: Nice read, but few good points to pick.


Indulgence won’t bring happiness.

It’s the endless and constant pursuit of material possessions and the belief that those possessions have the power to make you happy, that is problematic.

We spend our time envying people whom we wouldn’t wish to.

Focus on getting the best reward possible for the risk you’re prudent able to assume, not how much someone was willing to risk.

If you don’t face the fear and take the action, you are dooming yourself to a life filled with regrets and unfulfilled dreams. Only by making the unknown known can you get past this fear.

Many of us hesitate and delay because we’re afraid someone will find fault with our actions, will judge us to be failures.

You can’t lead a satisfied life without accepting your own imperfection and forgiving the imperfection of others.

Give yourself permission to fail and give yourself permission to succeed in life.

If you’re wrong only a couple of times in life, those incidents will be very upsetting. But, if you’re wrong once or twice every day, you get so used to it that being right or wrong won’t matter so much.

Contentment comes when you set priorities and play the hand you’ve been dealt the best you can.


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