Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

January is "Restart The Spark" month

by Susie and Otto

... And because January is "Restart The
Spark" month...

...Not only are we going to be releasing our
brand new "Restart The Spark" audio program
towards the end of the month-- but you're
also going to be getting an incredible amount
of new info from us throughout January to help
you "restart the spark" in your relationship,
marriage and life just for being a subscriber
to these emails.

You're going to be so glad you're a member
of our online community and a subscriber to
our emails because we've got some F*R*eee
videos, audios, special reports, articles and
more we're just plain going to give you.

You can have more love, more passion,
more connection and more of anything YOU

All you have to do is "restart the spark" in
your relationship and life and we're here
to help...

So,. let's get started...


This Week's Article...


4 Ways To "Restart The Spark"...

By Susie and Otto Collins

A couple of days ago, a friend of wished us a
happy new year by telling us that "everything's
going to be fine in 2009."

While this is certainly our wish for you, we think
that our lives and relationships can be even better
than "fine" in the coming year and so can yours.

We all can restart the spark--the spark in our
significant relationship; the spark in our everyday
lives; the spark in other relationships that are
important to us.

We can ALL create more happiness and joy in the
coming year.

We think it all starts with putting the spark back in your
relationships and lives.

So as you're reading this, your question might be ...

How do you put the spark back or even find it
after it's been buried under fear, distance, apathy,
tiredness or disconnection?

Here are some ways that you can begin starting
right now to invite more spark into your life...

1. Decide where you want more spark and make
sure that it's truly what you want. Make sure that
you are willing to make a few changes in your life
and do a few things differently.

In what area of your life or which relationship
would you like to enliven and enrich?

2. Make a change in a belief that holds you back.

Your beliefs come from thoughts that you think
over and over--which can certainly come from
past experiences. Wherever these beliefs came
from, they can be changed if they no longer
are in your best interest--if they hold you back
from having what you want.

A great example of this is this...

Old belief--"I'm not loved and supported in a
way that I want."

New belief--"Support is there for me to do what
I want if I'm open to it."

You can start changing that belief by noticing
when this new belief is true. In this case, when
you feel supported and loved.

What's one new belief you can begin to adopt
that will bring you closer to what you want?

3. Make a change in an attitude that holds you

Your attitude toward life and your relationships
certainly create more of the same.

The trick is to change your attitude without
"blue-skying" it or telling yourself something
that you can not believe.

Here's an example of changing your attitude
and the way you think about your partner...

Old attitude--"My partner will never make
changes in our relationship."

New attitude--"My partner is my friend and
I can start treating him (or her) that way."

What new attitude can you begin to embody
that will bring you closer to what you want?

4. Learn a new skill and practice it.

To make any change, especially if you want
to bring more spark to your life, you usually
need to learn something new and then
practice it.

For Susie, it's a deeper learning of how to
stay present, grounded and open no matter
what is going on around her.

For you, it might be a new way to relate to
your loved one or it might be learning how
to change your thinking to be more positive.

What's one new skill you'd like to learn next
year that would make your life better?

What we know is that we all have the opportunity
to make 2009 the best year ever.

We encourage you to open yourself to this
opportunity of more love, passion and zest
for life than you ever thought possible.


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