Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Ways to look at your situation that might help if you have a "log jam" in your life...

by Susie and Otto

1. Examine where you are and what you are
telling yourself about this situation. Look at
your unconscious and conscious beliefs.

Sam realized that he was in the shape he was
in partly because of past programming that said
he was a failure at everything he tried. And he
kept reinforcing this belief by telling himself over
and over that it was not possible to have what
he wanted.

2. Question your negative thoughts and beliefs.

When you find yourself thinking thoughts like

"It will never happen." "Others can have this but
not me." "What if I went for it and it didn't happen?"

...take a moment and ask yourself if you want to
continue to believe this thought or belief--or not.

At that moment of decision, when you decide to
make another choice, you open the door to
possibility just a crack so that you can begin to
look inside at another future for yourself.

3. Take action from possibility.

Nothing would have changed for Sam if he hadn't
acted by calling the massage school and asking
about financing and scholarships. He took action.

You can take action too from a place of deserving
what you want and gratitude for yourself and
your life.

You can ignite the spark in your life and in your
relationship by beginning to see the possibility of
it and that you deserve this or something greater.


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