Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

5 Ways to Get Back to Passion and Connection in your Relationship or Life

by Susie and Otto Collins
1. "Spontaneity is definitely a key. But ultimately,what I've found most effective is letting a manknow you're into him when he least expects it...a note telling him you're waiting for him in hiscar, in the medicine cabinet, or even a couponoffering love at his leisure is enticing"

2. "Besides the hot oil rubs & spaghetti strapnighties one thinks creates excitement, what hasbeen exhilarating for us has been quirkiness &unexpectedness. For example, for my husband'sbirthday, I bought him an expensive GPS for histruck."He had yearned for one for those off roadhunting excursions. On the morning of hisbirthday, I wrapped several 'hints' pertainingto the GPS (toy Mattel truck, doll 'Ken' incamouflage gear, teeny road map, etc) & hidthem in the shower, his truck, etc. with the infothat if he could guess what the hints relatedto, he could have the BIG gift--otherwise, he'dhave to wait til after work."The fun we had as he went on his scavengerhunt, then giggling as he guessed what possiblythese silly toys could be about, was fun. it spikedmy husband's need for creativity, unpredictability& something other than routine."He had to wait til after work to get the 'full monty'but he called several times from work with evenmore guesses & begging me to tell him what thegift was!!! that day is imbedded in our memory!"

3. "Never take your partner for granted, and thinkyou know how they are going to react. If youhonour them and treat them as if you have justmet, and are going through that courting stage,those 'fireworks' will still fly!"

4. "We'll be married for 20 years in just threemonths. My husband and I keep the passion inour relationship alive by still kissing hello, goodbye,good morning. We kiss a lot, and not just pecks.We still have juicy make-out sessions like we didwhen we first dated."Of course, our kids think this is gross, but webelieve that we are setting a good example byshowing them how fulfilling marriage can be. Itindicates that we truly like each other. It alsoallows us to give 'special time' to our relationshipand to each other. Let's face it, we are all happierwhen we feel loved!"
5. "Love is the secret to keeping our relationshiphot, juicy, and exciting. When my husband and Ilook into one another's eyes, there is such a deep,profound connection that we have come to dependupon it and crave it."Our physical intimacy is sometimes planned andsometimes spontaneous. It can be fun and playfulor intense and romantic; but no matter how wechoose to intertwine, our souls are always fullypresent and connected."Even when we are smiling, giggling, and beingcreative or adventurous, our eyes are saying, 'I loveyou unconditionally. You are my true love.' I needonly glance at his eyes and they are always there -open to me - seeking out my glance, so that theycan connect and we can feel the love flow betweenus."Over the years, we have come to know that connectionwill always be there for us. Our physical intimacy hasactually expanded and become more frequent as ourtrust has deepened. When love-making is so wonderful,you naturally want more - not less."We are both well beyond our 'peaks' sexually and yetwe are more insatiable now than either of us has everbeen. Our love-making has always been good, butover the past 5 years it has gone completely off thecharts."We often say, 'Who knew?' because we honestlydidn't know that it could be so wonderful. We didn'tknow our desire could grow so far beyond our initialphysical attraction. Now, we do and I'm not even surewhether I can convey in words what we have grownto know."So, I guess my advice is to find a way to love yourspouse unconditionally or find a spouse you can loveunconditionally, so that you can know what it feels liketo crave and frequently visit the place your soul mostdesires."Once you have found it, neither of you will ever beable (or willing) to harden against the other again. Therisk is simply too great. Love is as wonderful andpowerful and eternal as we have all hoped. The secretlies in being committed enough to wait for it...and boldenough to grab it with both hands when it finds you."


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