Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Making Conscious Agreements

by Susie and Otto Collins

Here are some ideas...
1. Recognize that you need an agreement andthat it would be helpful for your relationship tohave one.

2. Ask for ideas from the other person and listenfrom the standpoint that it's only information. Don'tclose down because the person may havedifferent thoughts than you have.

3. Give your ideas with the intention that theseare just your ideas and something better maysurface as the two of you talk.

4. Look for where you agree and start there ifyou can't seem to get on the same page abouteverything.

5. It's helpful to have a time frame identified ifit's something that is time-sensitive.

6. Make sure that you both want to do whatyou are agreeing to and that your agreementis clear.


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