Self-Help for leongal

My life is about learning and motivating, not only myself but people whom I care and wish to care.....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

People Who Get What They Want: What Are They Thinking?

by Motivation 123

Imagine being able to choose any outcome and automaticallyfeel motivated to make it happen.No matter what's standing in your way, you'd be so driven that you would blow right past it. You would get what you wanted every time.Sound too good to be true?

I thought so too, until I learned a basic truth about the way we think and act. When you know how it works, it's easyto create a drive that compels you to do whatever it takesto create the kind of life you've always wanted to live.So, what is the truth and how can we use it to get what wewant? Let's find out.

It's so simple that it's often overlooked. And because mostpeople don't realize how powerful this truth really is, most people don't know how to get what they want.Wouldn't you agree with that statement?

Out of the millions of people who wish for a better life, only a very, very small percentage actually get what they're after. And there's a reason: they overlook the basic truths of life and fail to use them to their advantage. I don't want you to make the same mistakes, so let this idea really sink in...We do what we do for a reason.

In other words, some kind of reason, whether good or bad,is at the root of everything we do. To the average person,this doesn't mean much, but you're not average. You'll soonbe able to see just why this is such a powerful idea.


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