by: motivation123
If you tell yourself something enough, you start to believe
it. It doesn't matter how true it is; repetition will make
sure it sets in just as if it were undeniable fact.
The trouble arrives, as I'm sure you'll agree, when you
believe in something that is not only untrue but also keeps
you from the things you want most. Even the strongest of
desires can be beaten down if enough myths stand in its
And today's issue is focused on one of the strongest myths
around, one that lurks in the minds of millions. If you
believe it in your heart, you can't get everything you
But if you can break free from its grip, things will never
be the same. You'll find the motivation you've been looking
for and enjoy the drive and excitement that comes from it
every day of the week.
Let's get started.
The Story of Mr. Jacobs
It haunts him even to this day. It doesn't matter what he
does with his time or what he thinks about as the hours
pass by, he will always remember the past and he will
always feel the pain.
After an emotional fight with his son, Mr. Jacobs stormed
out of the apartment and drove home with anger and
resentment in his heart. He had no idea that the silence
between them would last nearly ten years.
Those are years he can never get back. He can never see his
first grandchild crawling along the floor looking for
grandpa, never see her take her first step or hear those
first spoken words. Never.
All because he couldn't get past his fears and reconcile
with his son.
I'm sure he was afraid to make the first move, as was his
son. Fault lies on both ends. They were both afraid of
being vulnerable and didn't want to risk the pain of
And that was when the myth entered the picture. Both Mr.
Jacobs and his son, along with millions of people around
the world, believed in an idea that kept them apart for ten
long years.
Had they known the truth, this sad situation never would
have taken place. They would have moved past their fears
and happily reconciled. But no on ever told them the secret
that I'm about to tell you.
The Six Letter Word
The myth that cheated Mr. Jacobs and his son of those ten
precious years was the belief that fears are better to
avoid than regrets.
It's understandable. The things we fear are in our face,
chasing us down at this moment. Regrets, on the other hand,
are far off and barely noticeable. We can easily feel the
pain of confronting our fears, but it's not so easy to know
how painful regret will be until we actually experience it.
However, if you're anything like me you already have a few
experiences with regret. It's part of life. But we make
ourselves forget the pain, we fight to suppress the
memories and the feelings so we can get over it and move
But what I'm asking you to do is use that pain to make sure
it never happens again. Use that pain as incentive to go
after what you want with more power and passion than ever
Use the six letter word (regret) to your advantage.
Right about now you might be asking yourself, 'I know I
don't want to deal with the pain of regret, but what if I
don't know what I want?' If this is true for you, keep on
reading. If not, you can move ahead to the next section.
I can tell you from personal experience that not knowing
what you want can be a confusing, frustrating and miserable
time. But there is an answer. There are very specific steps
you can take to discover what it is that you want, what
goals will make you happy.
The Truth that Will Set You Free
Here's the truth that I want you to remember each and every
time you feel hesitant about moving toward your goals:
The pain of regret far outweighs the fears we must face to
achieve our goals.
If you can get yourself to believe this truth then you will
be driven to succeed every day. Forgetting about everything
you can't change in your past, you are currently facing
only opportunities for success. And this is such a critical
point in your life because one of two forces will win out.
If the fears take control, you never get what you want. If
the realization that regret is overpowering and should be
avoided at all costs, you will be driven to succeed and get
everything you want in life.
So think about what you want right now. What goals are you
excited about going after and achieving? Then I want you to
think about never getting the chance to make any of them
happen. Make the vision as powerful as possible. Think
about how terrible the pain of regret would feel and how
you would do anything to do it all over again.
Use this fear to drive you forward. I know you don't want
to encounter the pain of regret when it's too late to do
anything about your goals. So use this idea to make sure it
never happens.
This idea alone can help you, but if you want the entire
solution to taking control of your life like never before
you'll want to learn about The Motivated Mind. If you can
follow six simple stages you will be motivated to do
whatever it takes to achieve your goals.
By unlocking the power you already have inside your mind
and body you can literally change your entire life using
the step-by-step program outline in The Motivated Mind.
The greatest successes in the world use these six steps,
and in a few moments you can learn not only what they are
but also how to make them a part of your life forever.